Tuesday, February 5, 2008

things to think about

There is not one right answer, but there are a lot of wrong ones.

religion is stories, if you think it's anything more, you're fooling yourself. It has a huge number of purposes, including a moral grounding and the constant reminder of the importance of family and relationships. But the negative baggage that comes with them is usually so large it renders the entire endeavor shameful. It doesn't have to be like this though. e.g. reform judaism, universalism, the way most people i care to associate myself with practice their respective religions

universal health care is the only option in a just and caring country. if you want specialized care there ought to be a system in which you can continue getting hilariously overpriced service, but it will become obsolete with a properly run and incentivized system. sorry, but doctors are being paid way too much to do a job that is just as complex as a day laborer at times.

there is no such thing as gay marriage. the entire idea of calling it that misses the point of equality. there ought to simply be the idea of bonding yourself to another human on this earth in the eyes of the law and the government, a bond based on mutual respect and love. it's that simple. any argument that refutes this is so wrong that it makes me want to tear my fucking hair out.

a truly progressive taxation system should be implemented in order to rebalance the share of wealth between the classes. higher taxes on people making more income are a fair and just way of providing services to people that are disadvantaged. all arguments against this hinge on the idea of "to each according to their merit", which leads to the next point.

the underprivileged class in this country needs to be addressed once and for all. we must stop treating them like they have done something wrong, stop simply highlighting the rare success story of "the escape" from a life of destitution. it starts with education and the money for better education should be paid for by the progressive taxation system.

teachers should be the most important job in the world. they should be shown the respect that the position deserves. anyone who has ever said, "those who cannot do, teach" should be summarily executed. okay, i got a little carried away there but that shit just pisses me off.

people like dick armey, michelle bachmann need to be gotten rid of BY ANY (legal) MEANS NECESSARY. they need to be held accountable for the disgusting and reprehensible excrement that they spew out of their disgusting, vile mouths. See here and here. also why not glenn beck, nancy grace, rush limbaugh and so many more that I can't even think of right now. they need to be run out of the fucking country with pitchforks like the satanic hellspawn they are.

israel is not always right. I can't say it any better than the end of this article. "Israel of 2009 is a spoiled country, arrogant and condescending, convinced that it deserves everything and that it has the power to make a fool of America and the world. The United States has engendered this situation, which endangers the entire Mideast and Israel itself. That is why there needs to be a turning point in the coming year - Washington needs to finally say no to Israel and the occupation. An unambiguous, presidential no."

the death penalty needs to be abolished and the embarrassing chapter in human history needs to be closed for good. and can it with the hypothetical "what if your daughter was raped" scenario because this revenge bullshit that is so ingrained in the minds of americans is a self fulfilling feedback loop that needs to be stopped once and for all.