Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kill All Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are the most reprehensible generation in the history of America.  Bold claim?  Let's check the facts.  Baby boomers are:

1. Republican
This was a woman at the 2004 Republican National Convention.  If you notice, her band-aid has a purple heart on it.  This was because the Republican attack on John Kerry was that his war wounds were not severe enough to actually merit being awarded a purple heart.  This, in combination with his later opposition to the very war he fought in, led to this monstrosity posted above.  Yes, it is true that Obama got slightly more than McCain in this demographic in the 2008 election.  But if there was any more than saggy skin attached to bitter old bones as a Republican candidate, this would have definitely been different.  These are the people that oppose a public option in health care, the cash for clunkers program, aid to Africa and numerous other Democratic sponsored programs all because Fox News tells them to.
2. Stuck with an entitlement complex
Baby boomers are the reason the economy collapsed.  They are selfish, uncaring pricks who believe they deserve everything they have coming to them and more.  They believe wholesale in the idea of trickle down economics and think that people are poor because they haven't worked hard enough.  They have no appreciation for how difficult life can be for people that aren't born into the middle class, who don't have to struggle to feed themselves, let alone their children.  They simply have it all already and have always had it all.  Which leads to the next point.
3. Racist
(I didn't want to put in a picture of something that would give me an aneurysm...oh fuck it)
They won't admit it (ever).  They won't come out and say racist things (well occasionally they do).  But Baby Boomers are racists.  It may not be their fault, their parents were MUCH worse.  But the racism is there.  It comes out in fun ways that I have affectionately termed "casual racism".  Like when you're eating dinner with a boomer and they are talking about welfare and how people have "learned to game the system and that's all they know how to do."  Or when they question Obama's birth certificate.  Or when the first question they ask about your new boyfriend/girlfriend is "Well he/she isn't black, right?".  I think this kind of casual racism is magnitudes worse than the out and out nonsense.  At least that is calling a spade a spade (pun!).  As Pat Buchanan said, one longs for the "old style" of racism.  Oh well, we can't all get what we want.
In conclusion, kill all baby boomers.  Or at least the ones that are all of the above.



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