Monday, December 15, 2008

Game Review: Runescape

Since I've not been able to get on XBL, I've had to return to the original form of online gaming, the PC. In doing so, I've discovered a true gem I think you guys will love. It's called Runescape. If I had to describe it in one sentence, I'd say it's World of Warcraft times Bioshock times Call of Duty 4 times 9/11. And I mean it. I didn't catch the VGA's last night, but I'm pretty sure this won Game of the Year.

So in this game you get to create a little person who can walk around and fight monsters and get items and all the classic RPG things. I'd say their delivery is probably superior to any MMORPG on the market right now. But I've skipped all that noob stuff and went straight for what we all care about in games: fishing.

My character is named Funtimefish (that's me spearing fish in the picture!), because when people see me, they're going to know that I'm here to fish, and I'm gonna have a fun time. How you fish is you buy a net or harpoon, you click on a fishing spot, and then you wait. And then you just start catching the fish! You don't have to click anything else until your bag is filled with fish. Then you can cook them, and then sell them. It's awesome. Some people use their money to buy armor or weapons, but I've just been using it to buy more fishing gear.

Overall, I think we all should start playing this game. I know what you're thinking: This game must be really expensive per month. I thought that too. In fact I'd be willing to pay over 20 dollars per month for it. But it's FREE! Can you believe it?! So hurry up and create an avatar so we can form a fishing guild. Can't wait to see you on the docks!


Graphics: 9.5/10
Physics: 8/10
Sound: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Overall: 10/10

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Blogger Boofasten said...

Long time reader, first time commenter. Love the review! I was just wondering if you could rate it on the only scale I really care about, Likelihood it will be turned into a major summer release motion picture starring Nicholas Cage. Thanks in advance!

December 15, 2008 at 12:50 PM  
Blogger John the Greek said...

Bravo sir. Bravo.
Let me just say that I applaud your courage and innovation in including the physics of the game as a major factor of your assessment. Often physics is overlooked in video games and it just makes me so irate!
I couldn't play through 5 minutes of Half Life once I acquired the gravity gun.
Come on guys.... really? What, am I supposed to expect that this gun somehow harnessed negative energy densities and can somehow focus said energy into a coherent beam!
Looks like someone hasn't read 'Principles of Quantum Mechanics' by Shankar!
I'm looking at you Valve.

December 15, 2008 at 1:26 PM  
Blogger Phil Torres said...

More like Game Review: Poonscape am I right?

PS I love fish too!

December 16, 2008 at 2:36 AM  

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